Do you sometimes feel like you're just a shell of the fun-loving, vivacious person you once were? A creature of habit? An underachiever who hasn't quite lived up to her potential? This collection of tips and exercises for women who want to get their groove back can inspire you to get your career, relationships, and sense of self back on track...
At the office: A tried-but-true confidence builder moves from the bedroom to the office: Wear really sexy underwear not only on third dates, but also to any dreaded presentation you must give.
In relationships: Save the money you set aside for the obligatory birthday gift for the friend with whom you are no longer close. Spend it on yourself instead. Go buy a decadent box of chocolate-dipped strawberries and celebrate your ability to move on from the past. Besides, the hussy never returned that favorite belt of yours she borrowed.
Within the inner self: Stop beating yourself up because you're not what you said you'd become when you were a little girl. Just because you didn't get an Olympic gold medal or become an ambassador to the UN doesn't mean you're a failure!